In wrestling, a tag team is made up of two wrestlers who work together as a team to beat their opponents. Tag teams can compete in a variety of match types, including tag team matches (where one wrestler from each team is in the ring at the same time and must tag their partner to enter) and tag team matches (where both wrestlers on the team are in the ring simultaneously). 

 Duos usually have a unique name and musical theme associated with them, and may have specific fighting strategies and tag team techniques they use to defeat their opponents. Tag teams are a popular element of professional wrestling, and many fans follow their favorite tag teams with the same devotion they follow singles wrestlers. Today we will name the top ten duos of all time based on our humble opinion.

Brothers Jeff and Matt Hardy brought real excitement to tag categories during the Attitude Era and beyond. While they didn't invent the ladder match, they did help popularize it as a fast-paced stunt show that WWE would come back to again and again ever since. 

 While the Hardys didn't do it themselves, when you think back to that era and think back to ladder matches and/or TLC matches, chances are the team you're thinking about is them. They were the adventurers, the ones you expected, or maybe sometimes even worried, would do something insane, and you were usually right. 

 Jeff always seemed eager to find a new height he could jump from and Matt with his flying legdrops wasn't far behind. The Hardys weren't just about stairs, though. A legitimately excellent team, the brothers have amassed many titles in WWE as a team and separately in singles. Matt proved to be a master of reinvention, in terms of tricks, and Jeff, in his prime, was an individual star at main event level. 

 Still, it says a lot about their success as a team that despite everything they've done separately, they'll probably still be remembered best for their work together. Unlike many teams that break up and never work as a dedicated unit on a regular basis, the Hardys keep getting back to each other on a promo roster, and fans always seem happy to see that.

Jumping from ECW to WWE in 1999, the Dudleys transitioned better than most expected. Bubba Ray was able to weed out the vulgar promotions he became known for and he and D-Von were able to come up with a slightly milder version of their ECW gimmick. "D-Von, take the tables" became a crowd-pleasing catchphrase mid-match, as did the "Wassup" flying header into opponents' nether regions. 

 Breaking tables became their calling card, and they ended up working on trick matches where you had to do just that to win. The kayfabe half brothers were a stark contrast to the other two teams of their generation, the Hardys and Edge and Christian. His size added an interesting dynamic to his three-way matches, and Bubba was adept at playing a bully where the situation called for it. 

 Plus, their tag team finisher the Dudley Death Drop or 3D might just be one of the coolest tag team finishers in history. One of the most successful acts to jump from the world of hardcore to the world of sports entertainment, the Dudleys were inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2018.

When Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods and Big E were released together as New Day, it was the best thing that could have happened to them, but it didn't seem that way at first. Originally introduced as a sugary, sweet babyface act, the crowd quickly turned against them. 

 The three, instead of changing gimmicks completely, leaned into it, turning it into an over-the-top act that became a regular highlight of WWE programming. In many ways, the three of them followed the trajectory of Rock's early career: a vapid, poorly received initial run of babyface that turned into a hugely successful heel that turned them into legitimate babyfaces with fans.

The rare Freebird-style tag act that regularly featured different two-person combinations of its three members, each of the trio brought enough talent that any combination would produce good results. His list of quality performances and matches is too long to name here, but the most telling sign of his success is breaking Demolition's record for the longest title reign in WWE Tag Team history. 

 From looking like failures early on to becoming the most advanced WWE tag team of their era, Kofi, Xavier and E have covered a lot of ground in their careers.

Real-life twin brothers Jey and Jimmy Uso have wrestling in their DNA. The sons of former WWE wrestler Rikishi, the Usos are also Umaga's nephews and cousins ​​to Yokozuna and Bloodline stablemate Roman Reigns. 

 None of that would matter if the team couldn't support it in the ring, but luckily for all of us, they could. They may be the best in-ring WWE tag team of their era, and they are certainly the most consistent, churning out quality match after quality match and raking in a pile of branded gold while they did it.

Their membership in Reigns' Bloodline group may have occasionally threatened to overshadow their work as a brand act, sometimes placing them in literal subservient possession to someone else. When all is said and done though, it's safe to say people will remember the Usos again and again feuding with the New Day's top rivals as the defining WWE brand pairing of their generation. 

 But, in case memories get foggy, the record books will always serve as a reminder of all his accolades, including being the first tag team in WWE history to simultaneously hold the "Raw" and "SmackDown" tag team titles.

While both men went on to successful singles careers, it was the doubles team that really put Edge and Christian on the map. Starting out as members of Gangrel's stable, The Brood, the two soon surpassed their leader. A feud with the Hardys took their stardom to a new level, in particular a ladder match at No Mercy 1999. 

 With the services of Terri Runnels and $100,000 on the line, the four men put on a show stealer that started the trend of tag team matches that would expand over time to the TLC gimmick. Edge and Christian lost the match, but shared the career boost it gave all four fighters.

Over time, his tag persona incorporated more and more humor, until his out-of-ring segments began to become some of the funniest wrestling vignettes in history. Their friendship with Kurt Angle was a particular highlight, his previously hidden comic potential blossoming alongside Kurt. 

 Whether they were wearing a chicken suit to try to lose weight, playing their own theme song on a kazoo, or just talking about how soft drinks rule, Edge and Christian's segments were like nothing else on WWE TV. They've produced great matches and won titles many times over, but it's the laughs they've given us that really set them apart from their contemporaries.

Sometimes the best teams are opposites, and the Hart Foundation is a prime example. Aside from being real-life in-laws with the same four letters in their last names, Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart couldn't be more different. Bret was a skilled technical wrestler with a standard wrestler's physique, somewhat reserved as he was still finding his voice outside the ring. 

 Jim was a bulky man and full of character, that manic cackle etched in fans' memories. Each man had what the other needed. "The Hitman" could carry the matches, "The Anvil" could carry the promos along with, at times, manager Jimmy Hart, unrelated to either.

 The Foundation had a six-year run in WWE, from '85 to '91, and it was enough to cement their place as one of the greatest tag teams the company has ever employed. Working in an era with less frequent title changes, they only won tag team gold twice, but in their days spent as champions, they actually ranked at the top of the all-time list, an impressive 483 days. 

 Various members of the Hart family have attempted to recreate the team over the years, most notably Neidhart himself with Bret's brother Owen as The New Foundation, but no attempt has been able to match their work in the ring or rival their legacy outside of it.

One of WWE's all-time greatest examples of that classic "young party guys" tag archetype, Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty were one of the best working teams of the '80s. legend of all time, The Rock 'n' Roll Express. The Rockers often made the most of whatever situation they were in, having great matches when pitted against co-workers like The Brainbusters, but also having better-than-expected matches with smaller teams. In particular, his match with Orient Express at the 1991 Royal Rumble is remembered as one of the great WWE PPV opening matches of the decade.

Due in part to a bizarre mishap, The Rockers never got a WWE Tag Title run. Winning the titles against The Hart Foundation in a match where the top rope broke, the WWE decided to not air the match and pretend it never happened, reverting the championship back to the Foundation. A longer run with the promotion may have seen them get that official run, but in 1992 the team broke up with a memorable angle that featured Michaels turning heel and putting Janetty through a window on Brutus Beefcake's "Barbershop" talk segment. It's one of the most legendary tag breakup angles WWE has ever done simply say "Barbershop window" to a certain generation of fans, and they'll know exactly what you mean.

It says something about how great this team was that even with some pretty poor handling by the WWE, it still feels like they deserve a place on this list. Before they came to the WWE as the Legion of Doom, Hawk and Animal had long established themselves as the hottest tag team of the '80s as the Road Warriors. With a look and name inspired by the "Mad Max" films, the Roadies were the picture of intimidation with their face paint, mohawks, spiked shoulder pads and jacked-up physiques. Their usually short destructions of opponents were a big draw, and the package was completed with Hawk's crazy, off-the-wall promos.

Upon signing with WWE in 1990, things first looked good. The team was forced to change its name but otherwise the gimmick was kept intact initially, and they soon became tag team champions. Yet their run would end with them dissatisfied just two years later, Hawk quitting the company. It's not hard to see why as WWE had foisted having a literal puppet mascot named Rocco onto them, one of the great "What were they thinking?" moments of the era. 

Two more runs in WWE would follow in the late '90s and 2003. The former was a mixed bag that saw a brief regaining of the tag belts and a failed reimagining as LOD 2000. The latter is best forgotten, built around a tasteless angle around Hawk's real-life substance abuse issues.

Brothers of Destruction is one of the most iconic teams in WWE history.  Formed by The Undertaker and Kane, the wrestling duo has worked together on numerous occasions and left an indelible mark on the professional wrestling industry.

 The history of the Brothers of Destruction began in 1997, when The Undertaker teamed up with Paul Bearer to face Shawn Michaels and Hunter Hearst Helmsley.  During the match, Kane made his WWE debut, storming into the ring and attacking his older brother.  From there, the two wrestlers became one of the most intense rivalries in WWE, with Kane always seeking revenge against The Undertaker.

 However, in 2001, Kane and The Undertaker joined forces to form the Brothers of Destruction.  From there, the duo had a series of legendary matches against teams like D-Generation X, The Two-Man Power Trip and The Hardy Boyz.  In 2002, they became WWE Tag Team Champions, but lost the titles shortly after to Chris Jericho and Christian.

 The Brothers of Destruction continued to appear together at various WWE events over the years, including WrestleMania 20 in 2004, where they faced each other in an epic match.  In 2015, they reunited again to face the Wyatt Family at Survivor Series.

 Additionally, both fighters have had successful individual careers.  The Undertaker retired in 2020 after a 30-year WWE career, while Kane retired in 2022 after a 25-year WWE career and also became mayor of his hometown of Knox County in Tennessee. 

The Brothers of Destruction remain one of the most iconic and memorable teams in WWE history, having left an indelible mark on the professional wrestling industry.

D-Generation X (DX) is an iconic WWE group that first formed in the late 1990s during WWE's "Attitude Era". The group originally consisted of Shawn Michaels and Triple H, but over the years, several other wrestlers joined and left the group.

 One of DX's most defining characteristics was his irreverent and often vulgar sense of humor. The group was known for their backstage banter and provocative promotions. They were also known for their racy outfits and their ring entrance, which included pyrotechnics and a video of them making lewd gestures.

 In the ring, DX was known for his athletic skills and his ability to tell compelling stories. They have been involved in some of WWE's most memorable rivalries, including with the Hart Foundation, Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Corporation.

 The group split up several times over the years, but always ended up getting back together. In 2006, WWE brought back the group once again, this time with Shawn Michaels and Triple H leading a new group of wrestlers. The new group included members such as X-Pac and The New Age Outlaws.

 For the next few years, DX continued to be a force in WWE, making occasional appearances and participating in sporadic matches. They were also inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2019.

 In short, DX was a group of wrestlers that defined an era for WWE. They were known for their irreverent attitude, their in-ring skills and their ability to tell compelling stories. Even years after their original formation, they continue to be remembered as one of the most iconic groups in WWE history.


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